

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

General Info

Serving the Salt Lake Valley with Quality, Affordable Tree Care. Call us for a free quote.

As tree-care professionals, we pride ourselves in being a local and personalized service, tailored to your needs.

Our goal is to give our customers and potential customers clear expectations of what they can expect from Tim's Tree Care and then to deliver on those expectations.

Here are just some of the service standards that we hold ourselves to on every job.

1. Clean Work - Tree care and landscape beauty go hand-in-hand, and work site cleanliness is one of our top priorities. The only evidence that we leave behind on tree trimming jobs are beautiful, healthy trees and a job well done.

2. Healthy Cuts - As experienced tree doctors and arborists, we know exactly how to make each cut to a tree to ensure that the cut causes minimal stress, allowing the health of the tree to reach its full potential.

3. Customer Education - We will answer every question that you may have about maintaining your trees and strive to leave our clients with all the information they will need to keep their trees strong and healthy between trimming cycles.

4. Competitive Rates - Affordable tree care should be available to everyone; at least, that's how we see it. We take pride in offering a high quality service at prices much lower than most of our competitors.

5. Listening to Customers - We never try to talk our customers into services that they neither want nor need, and we believe that this practice contributes greatly to the excellent reputation of our company.

6. Personalized Care - Every job, client, and tree is different, and we recognize this fact by offering completely custom recommendations, education, and procedures personalized to each unique situation.

7. Beauty That Lasts - Doing our part to make neighborhoods in the Salt Lake City area beautiful is at the heart of our company's mission, and you can count on the beauty that we bring to your property to last long after our work is done.

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