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Professional License #

11713847-5501 Verify

General Info

2s Coatings is owned and operated by a Utah native - no out-of-towners here! We specialize in asphalt maintenance, repair, and preservation.

Low minimums and flexible scheduling.

Serving Northern Utah and Southeast Idaho.

-Crack Sealing and filling (in-house "heated hose" machine)

-Asphalt sealcoating, sealing, and striping.

-Pothole repair and patching

We perform all work in-house (meaning that typically nothing is sub-contracted out). Before you choose to work with a company, ask the question: WHO is actually doing the work? Will my project be sent out to the lowest bidder? Oftentimes, the answer to both of these questions is YES, but not with us!

In the state of Utah, most types of asphalt work require a Contractors license - we have one! Many companies do not, however, so always ask the question.

UT License #11713847-5501

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