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General Info

Welcome to Mr. Rooter Plumbing!

Your go-to plumbing experts in Salt Lake City are here to keep your home running smoothly. From emergency fixes to regular maintenance, we've got you covered. Follow us for tips, tricks, and services tailored just for you! We do all things plumbing, but as our name suggests, we do specialize in clearing those darned pipes when they're not cooperating.


We know you have many great choices for a plumber, so what makes us different?

  • We’re a mission-driven company
  • We have a world-class warranty
  • We have the best equipment
  • “We are all the customer”



We have all equipment to get you back up and running:


> Smaller camera, cable machine, and mini jetter for secondary lines

> Big camera, cable machine, and hydro jetter (made right here in Utah) for main/sewer lines

> Monitor so you can see what we see in the pipes

> Locator so we know exactly where that clog is when it's far down the pipe

> All other general plumbing tools and parts, including water heaters


Take a look at our Vision/Mission/Values statement. We really believe and try to live these every day. Let us prove it to you!


Mr. Rooter Plumbing of South Salt Lake | (801) 675-4721

#SaltLakeCityPlumber #PlumbingExperts #HomeCare #DrainCleaning

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