I make custom sliding barn doors, tables, beds, mantels, accent walls, coffee tables, pergolas, pavillions and anything else you may want from wood products. The majority of my material is from reclaimed lumber with incredible character. All my sliding doors are custom to fit your needs and include your choice of stains and two coats of polyurethane finish all included in the price. I have several styles of hardware you can choose from, the price range on the hardware varies anywhere from $150-$350. I only charge $100 to do the install of the door and the hardware. I'm a one stop shop for all your sliding door needs including the install. The install is gererally a 1-2 hour project for me, a first timer will be 4-5 hours and probably experience serveral mistakes along the way. Compare my quality and prices with anyone and you wont find a better deal. I stand behind all of my work which is why i prefer to do my own install. I can provide you with numerous customer references upon request. Call or text Cal @ 435-881-2542