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Why fix your carpet wrinkles? There are two things that will happen if you do not get those carpet wrinkles fixed, and neither are good for your carpet. Wrinkled carpet will delaminate, which means the backing will come off and your carpet fiber will begin to fall out. Secondly, the carpet will wear at the top of the wrinkle. Neither of these, if let go too long, can be fixed. I was in a home recently and re-stretched the carpet. After stretching, it was good and tight. However, one wrinkle in a high traffic area had a bald spot where everyone’s feet had worn through the carpet and broke down the fibers. What causes wrinkles? Over 90% of the time it is poor installation. I have been in the carpet business for over 40 years, residential and commercial - domestic and international (South Pacific). I have also worked for the LDS church, installing carpet in 13 temples, hundreds of chapels and seminary buildings, buildings on Temple Square - including the Salt Lake Tabernacle. I was also the last one to install carpet in the Provo Tabernacle over 35 years ago. It was the same carpet in the building when it was destroyed by fire and did not have a wrinkle in it even after 35 years. My workmanship is “old school” and is excellent. If you have experienced poor installation in the past, you will not be disappointed in my work. Due to my age, I no longer do full installs - just repair. My carpets are all stretched tight and will not wrinkle.

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