

Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 2:30pm

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General Info

If you're looking for an electric bike in Utah, you want to visit High Country E Bikes. Conveniently located in the center of the Salt Lake City metro area, in West Jordan, we have over 200 models of the top brands of electric bicycles.


Here in West Jordan, we carry the best brands of e bikes: Haibike, iZip, High-Power Cycles (HPC), Felt, Raleigh, Magnum, and more.


Utah has so many great places to ride off-road e bikes. Many people love to take the ski-lifts up the mountains in Park City and then enjoy downhill adventures. Many conventional bike brands are realizing the value of selling electric-powered motors on their downhill bikes. With a power-system, you can ride the hill without paying for a lift.

We love selling Haibike mountain bikes. These mid-drive Yamaha and Bosch motors are awesome. You'll get all the torque you need to climb mountains, and jump rocks.

We also have a lot of FAT TIRE e bikes you should check out if you're considering riding a lot in rain, snow, or mud. With an electric motor, having bigger tires won't affect the difficulty of the ride on a road, and makes off-roading awesome.


A lot of Salt Lake City residents are commuting to work. And many casual bicycle riders are hitting paved trails like the Jordan River Trail.

No matter what your age or health condition, you'll find that electric pedal assist or throttles make bike-riding always fun, no matter what the weather or conditions.

We have several folding commuter e bikes you should check out if you want to store your electric bicycle in your office or cubicle.


We carry some of the most beautiful electric-powered beach cruisers on the market. Consider Vintage Electric Bikes, handmade, retro-styled, and designed in California.

We also have several Raleigh beach cruisers with electric motors that are gorgeous.


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